You’ll need to produce workers at a faster rate than the other two races to keep up with losing your workers to create buildings. Keep these two unique aspects of the Zerg race in mind while playing. Zerg buildings must be built on creep (the purple goo stuff), and in order to build buildings, its worker unit, the Drone, must sacrifice itself as it literally becomes the building which is a living things. A Zerg player that macros properly, has the right amount of Hatcheries and the economy to support them, can out produce their opponents and can be ahead in the game, even if they lose a battle. A Zerg players can produce three units at once from one Hatchery, while the other two races are forced to build a production building for every one unit they want to make. Unlike the other two races, Zerg units are all built from one building, the Hatchery, which produces up to three larva, which is the base unit for all Zerg units and eventually even buildings. So what Zerg players want to do is use their cost-efficient units to take good fights, and overwhelm their opponents with superior macro (base/economy management). Hydralisks, a more powerful ground unit, still only costs 75 minerals and 25 vespene gas. 50 minerals and just 1 supply, will get you two Zerglings, the core unit of the Zerg army. Zerg units are very cheap compared to the other two races, and especially Protoss. Overwhelming their opponents with mass produced, expendable units. The Zerg are known for their relentless onslaught of attacks.

Zerg is one of the three playable races in StarCraft: Remastered, an enhanced version of the original StarCraft and its Broodwar expansion. So enjoy.Zerg Beginner Basics, Builds, and Tips & Tricks in StarCraft: Remastered Disable use of computer players in leaderboard calculations.

Show leader board for most custom display label: Text (Add your own text here eg XP) This is just to display the leader board and show custom score for in the upper left corner in-game. Soon as you kill a zergling, value of the zergling will be taken away and whatever you value was in custom section will be added to your leader board. Modify score for current player: Add X Custom. Modify score for current player: Subtract 50 kills. Current player kill score is at least 50. Ursadon (Ice World)đ0 I'll give you and example using zergling score value in the example trigger below. Source and Credit: Unknown (various authors) Infested Kerrigan (Infested Terran) - 4000 NOTE: The listing is in no particular order. Here is the reference to how much each unit is really worth. When playing certain SCUMS (StarCraft Use Map Settings) games, you will notice that there is a leaderboard on the top left corner displaying how much points you get for killing certain units.